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GRECO-ROMAN VS FREESTYLE: Which Style Reigns Supreme?

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Wrestling is a sport that has captivated the hearts and minds of athletes and fans for centuries. The sheer physicality, technique, and artistry involved in this combat sport make it a unique and enthralling experience. Two of the most prominent styles of wrestling, Greco-Roman and Freestyle, have carved their own niche in the world of wrestling, each with its own set of rules, techniques, and loyal followers. In this blog post, we will explore and delve deep into the characteristics that set Greco-Roman and Freestyle apart. Is one superior to the other, or are they two sides of the same formidable coin? Let’s find out.


Wrestling, at its core, is a sport of skill, strength, and strategy. Furthermore, it is the battle between two individuals trying to outmaneuver, outwit, and overpower each other within the confines of a mat. To understand the essence of Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling, one must first grasp the art of wrestling itself. 


Wrestling can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was a means of physical training and combat preparation. Additionally, it has been part of the Olympic Games since their inception in ancient Greece. Which makes it one of the oldest sports in the world. The techniques and rules have evolved over centuries, giving rise to various styles.

The art of wrestling requires a combination of physical prowess and mental acuity. Wrestlers must be agile, quick-thinking, and possess remarkable strength. Additionally, each style has its unique set of techniques and rules that set it apart from the others. Greco-Roman and Freestyle, the two most prominent styles in modern wrestling, embody the core principles of this ancient art.


Wrestling is often compared to a physical form of chess, where every move and countermove is carefully calculated. Wrestlers must anticipate their opponent’s actions and adjust their strategy accordingly. This strategic element adds depth and complexity to the sport. Making it a mental battle as much as a physical one.

The ancient Greeks, who considered wrestling a fundamental part of their culture, believed that the sport developed not only the body but also the mind and spirit. This emphasis on holistic development continues to be a defining feature of wrestling. Wrestlers learn to persevere through adversity, to adapt to changing circumstances, and to outsmart their opponents.


Greco-Roman wrestling, often referred to as “classic wrestling,” is one of the two styles of wrestling featured in the Olympic Games. This style places a strong emphasis on upper body holds and throws. Unlike Freestyle, where both the upper and lower body can be used to attack or defend, in Greco-Roman, any hold below the waist is strictly forbidden. The absence of leg attacks makes Greco- Roman a style that demands tremendous upper body strength and technique. Wrestlers need to master various grips and throws to outmaneuver their opponents and claim victory.


Greco-Roman wrestling has a distinct and fascinating history introduced by a Frenchman named Jean Exbrayat in the 19th century. The wrestling techniques he observed in Greece and Rome inspired him. The primary goal of Greco-Roman is to pin your opponent’s shoulders to the mat, leaving them with no escape. One of the defining characteristics of Greco-Roman is the way competitors engage with their upper bodies. Additionally, wrestlers use throws, takedowns, and other intricate maneuvers to gain an advantage and ultimately secure a pin.


In Greco-Roman, the prohibition of leg attacks creates a pure form of upper body wrestling. This restriction forces athletes to rely on their upper body strength, technique, and balance. Wrestlers must become masters of throws and holds, as these are their primary means of scoring and winning matches.


Freestyle, on the other hand, is a more dynamic and versatile form of the sport. It allows competitors to use both their upper and lower bodies to engage their opponents. This added flexibility opens up a world of possibilities for different attacks and defenses.


Freestyle wrestling has its roots in catch wrestling, a style that became popular in the United States and Europe in the late 19th century. It gradually evolved into the modern form of freestyle wrestling, which gained international recognition.

In Freestyle wrestling, a wrestler can attack the opponent’s legs, use leg holds, and execute ground wrestling techniques. This style places an emphasis on agility, speed, and adaptability. Wrestlers often engage in scrambles and dynamic movements, making it a thrilling spectacle for both competitors and spectators.


One of the hallmarks of Freestyle is its versatility. Wrestlers have a wide range of techniques at their disposal, from single and double-leg takedowns to complex mat work and pinning combinations. Furthermore, this diversity of options allows athletes to adapt their strategy to their opponent’s style and weaknesses.

The incorporation of leg attacks in Freestyle wrestling makes it a constant test of reflexes and agility. Wrestlers must be prepared to defend against quick and powerful leg attacks while simultaneously seeking opportunities to launch their own. The result is an intense and fast-paced style of wrestling that keeps both participants and spectators on the edge of their seats.


Now that we’ve explored the fundamental principles of Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling, it’s time to make a direct comparison between the two. Both styles have their unique strengths and challenges, and each has its own passionate following.


  • Rules and Techniques: The most significant distinction between the two styles is the rules governing leg attacks. In Greco-Roman wrestling, these attacks are strictly prohibited, focusing the action primarily on upper body holds and throws. In Freestyle, competitors can employ a wide range of attacks, making it a more diverse and adaptable style.
  • Physical Demands: Greco-Roman wrestling demands exceptional upper body strength and technique due to the absence of leg attacks. Freestyle, while still requiring upper body strength, also necessitates agility and speed, making it a more physically demanding style overall.
  • Point System: Freestyle employs a point-based system to determine the winner, rewarding a range of actions. In Greco-Roman, the goal is to pin your opponent’s shoulders to the mat, which leads to a more aggressive and focused approach.
  • Spectacle vs. Tradition: Freestyle’s dynamic and fast-paced nature often leads to more visually exciting matches, appealing to modern audiences. Greco-Roman, rooted in tradition, is appreciated for its strict adherence to classic techniques and principles.


The choice between Greco-Roman and Freestyle often reflects an athlete’s personal journey and aspirations. Some athletes are drawn to the timeless tradition of Greco-Roman, where they can test their mettle in a style deeply rooted in history. Others find the fast-paced and versatile nature of Freestyle more in line with their athletic ambitions.

The journey to becoming a successful Greco-Roman or Freestyle wrestler is marked by years of dedicated training, countless hours on the mat, and the unwavering commitment to improvement. Each path has its challenges and rewards, and both styles contribute to the growth and development of wrestling as a whole.


Wrestling enthusiasts often find beauty in the diversity of styles and the dedication it takes to excel in either Greco-Roman or Freestyle. Both styles have their unique allure, adding depth and richness to the world of wrestling.


When considering the beauty of Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling, it’s essential to appreciate the intricate techniques and strategies employed by wrestlers in both styles. Greco-Roman showcases the artistry of upper body maneuvers, while Freestyle dazzles with its acrobatic and dynamic sequences.

The technical nuances of wrestling, from grips and throws in Greco-Roman to takedowns and mat work in Freestyle, create a captivating tapestry of skill. These skills are honed over years of training and competition, resulting in breathtaking displays of athleticism and technique on the wrestling mat.


Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling have global followings, each with its own history and tradition. These two styles are an essential part of the wrestling tapestry and have helped shape the sport into what it is today. The dedication and hard work of countless athletes worldwide have elevated both styles to international prominence.

While Greco-Roman has strong roots in Europe and the United States, Freestyle wrestling has found a home in countries as diverse as Russia, Iran, and Japan. The global appeal of both styles reflects the universal nature of wrestling and its capacity to bring people together through competition and shared passion.


Wrestling, in all its forms, is a test of character. It challenges individuals to push their physical and mental limits, teaching discipline, perseverance, and humility. Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling embody these qualities in their own unique ways, contributing to the broader development of wrestlers as individuals.

The physical and mental demands of wrestling forge resilient and disciplined athletes. Wrestlers learn to overcome adversity, manage pressure, and demonstrate unwavering determination. These qualities extend beyond the mat, shaping wrestlers into individuals who can tackle life’s challenges with courage and tenacity.


In the timeless struggle for supremacy between Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling, it’s clear that each style has its own strengths, characteristics, and dedicated followers. Greco-Roman wrestling emphasizes upper body technique and the pursuit of the ultimate pin, while Freestyle wrestling allows for a more dynamic, versatile, and point-based approach. Both styles possess a distinct beauty, adding depth and richness to the world of wrestling.

As you watch these athletes grapple on the mat, remember that they are not only showcasing their physical prowess but also their commitment to a sport that has stood the test of time. Whether you find yourself drawn to the classical grace of Greco-Roman wrestling or the modern dynamism of Freestyle, it’s evident that both styles reign supreme in their own unique ways, contributing to the legacy of a sport that has been cherished for millennia. Wrestling, in all its forms, is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the artistry of physical competition.

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